SDCERS Recognizes Outgoing Board Trustees

Date: Jun 17, 2019


Serving as an SDCERS Trustee requires expertise, attention and time – with no compensation – and a commitment to delivering accurate and timely benefits to participants and ensure the trust fund’s safety, integrity and growth. Having accomplished this, three SDCERS Board Trustees were recently honored for their service.

Board President and Mayoral Appointee Valentine S. Hoy, Mayoral Appointee William W. Haynor and Active Police Safety Trustee Thomas A. Sullivan, who each served two four-year terms, were recognized at the March 10, 2019 Board meeting, and at a send-off event in April. The new Board President will be selected at the July Board meeting. 

We are excited to welcome Sgt. Louis Maggi as our newly elected Active Police Safety Trustee seat. SDCERS is governed by a 13-member Board of Administration, responsible for the prudent administration of retirement benefits for City of San Diego, San Diego Unified Port District and San Diego County Regional Airport employees, and for overseeing the investment portfolio of the retirement system’s trust fund.

SDCERS Outgoing Trustees
The SDCERS Board, May 10. From left, Jeff Wallace, Thomas Battaglia, George Kenney, Michael McBride, Carina Coleman, William Haynor, outgoing President Valentine Hoy, Vice President Carol Broad, Thomas Sullivan, Roberta Spoon, Almis Udrys, Charles Hogquist, Thanasi Preovelos. 

SDCERS Trustees
Outgoing trustees William Haynor, Thomas Sullivan, Valentine Hoy, and SDCERS CEO Gregg Rademacher

SDCERS Chief Investment Officer Liza Crisafi, William Haynor, Carol Broad, Thomas Sullivan, and SDCERS Sr. Investment Officer Anders Norrman gather at the April send-off event.

Document Under Categories: Board