SDCERS' Board Votes to Set Minimum Pension Payments

Date: Jan 17, 2019


At the January meeting, SDCERS' Board of Administration took another important step toward pension stability by voting to set minimum annual pension payments of the Unfunded Actuarial Liability (UAL) for the City of San Diego and the Port of San Diego.

This minimum payment is also referred to as a "floor," meaning even if the required annual payment is less than the "floor," that minimum amount must be paid each year. The UAL floor payment for the City was set at $275.5 million and $13.3 million for the Port. This is based on the June 30, 2018 actuarial valuations which set the payment amount for the fiscal 2020 payment to the retirement system.

The new policy increases benefit security and helps the pension fund reach full funding by 2037, several years earlier than anticipated.

The Board also voted to prospectively limit the long-term impacts of changes to the assumed rate of return (discount rate), retirement rates, and life expectancy assumptions, to a 20-year period from the previous 30-year period.

A video of the Board discussion and vote is available here.

Document Under Categories: Actuarial Valuations, Board, News Articles, Pension, Press Release