Agenda & Summaries: June 2009 to Present

In June 2019, SDCERS implemented a new agenda management system, streamlining operations and improving public access to Board and Committee meeting agendas. Clicking the link below will open a new web page where you can view all of SDCERS’ Board and Committee meeting agendas since June 2009 as well as video recordings of recent SDCERS Board of Administration and Business & Governance Committee meetings.

Click here to search agendas

You can also watch Business & Governance Committee and Board of Administration Meetings live by going to the agendas page at the time of the meeting and clicking the "Live Media" button next to the corresponding meeting. 

SDCERS also has a YouTube Channel with the most recent videos of SDCERS Board of Administration and Business & Governance Committee meetings located here. YouTube provides universal compatibility and viewers are able to subscribe to the channel and receive updates when videos are posted.

Please see our Calendar on the home page for dates and times of future Board and Committee meetings. Agendas for all future meetings will be posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting in accordance with California’s Ralph M. Brown Act (Gov. Code sections 54950-54963). If you’d like to be notified when new agendas are posted, please subscribe.