Requests for Proposals

SDCERS Actuarial Audit Services RFP

The San Diego City Employees’ Retirement System (SDCERS) is requesting proposals from qualified actuarial service firms to perform actuarial audit services. The actuarial audit services agreement will cover auditing the June 30, 2024 valuations for SDCERS three plan sponsors. The deadline to submit a proposal is Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 5:00 PM PST.   Please see the RFP for instructions regarding proposal submission requirements and other timelines.

Employment Opportunities

SDCERS Does not currently have any open positions

In order to be considered for future openings, please ensure you are on the applicable City of San Diego list. You can also submit a Job Interest Card in order to be notified when a position you are interested in opens up for application by clicking on the link below.